Reasonable solutions for your runaway data.
You have to have a plan. The explosive growth of data, and ever-changing legal requirements for information management has made data management more important than ever. We can help you if your company is still stuck with information management policies that don’t fully account for data—or if you’re simply not using the data retention schedules and policies you have. At Reasonable Discovery, we use our legal expertise and years’ of insights to help you develop policies and processes in light of today’s environment.
We help organizations simplify their way to success.
You can’t afford to have records retention policies and procedures that people can’t or won’t follow. The astronomical cost of data storage is one reason. Having all that unnecessary data sitting around is also risky. But disposing of it improperly could make you the target of a willful spoliation claim. Our expertise helps you walk the fine line between retention and disposition.
We provide savings and surety.
We advise on ways to simplify and coordinate so that data management rules can be adopted and implemented across your company. We use our legal and data interrogation expertise to help you balance your company’s need to dispose of unnecessary data with the risk of performing improper dispositions. That leads to savings on data storage and backups—and the reassurance that comes from knowing your actions are defensible.
We work with you to build reality-based policies.
Reasonable Discovery works with your organization to build sensible record policies for retention and disposition that reflect the real way your organization manages its email, business records and more. Our data management strategy starts by carefully considering the needs of each of your organization’s business units. We learn what data types are critical to their business operations and for how long such data has business utility. That helps you create retention rules and policies that people understand and can easily comply with.
Our goal is sustainable success.
Reasonable Discovery will help your organization develop training and implementation programs that drive policy buy-in and adherence throughout the organization. We also assist you in setting up a system of records coordinators—representatives in each of your business groups who see policies through.
Get out in front of the coming changes.
As your data production surges in the coming years, we’ll advise you on new tools to support your evolving needs. We advise on technologies that improve compliance with legal and regulatory mandates—like legal hold management and auto-classification tools. We’ll also help you find records and data management solutions that maximize the value of your data while minimizing the risks posed by legal and regulatory non-compliance with records-keeping requirements.
We relieve you of responsibility.
We’re with you to support defensible disposition of data once it has outlived its business, compliance or legal hold usefulness. We provide you with the peace of mind of an Expert Opinion Letter defending the appropriateness of any data disposition you make and we will be on the front line, explaining these disposition decisions to any court or regulator who might ask.